1. To pick the perfect parts for your garage door opener, you'll want to gather a few specifics, like the manufacturer's name and the model number. That's your starting point.
  2. Now, where to find those details? Head to your garage, and check out the garage door opener power head hanging from the ceiling. You'll likely find stickers or other identifiers on the back or sides of the device.
  3. Keep in mind that garage door opener manufacturers often differ with the frequencies used by remote controls and keypads. That's why knowing your opener's model number is crucial.
  4. Sometimes, garage door operators have radio gear (think remotes and keypads) from different manufacturers. If that's your case, you'll need extra info from a working remote control.
  5. For brand-specific guidance on your garage door opener, check out our nifty Garage Door Opener Selection Guide.
  6. Each product page features a "Compatible with" section, spilling the beans on which manufacturers and model numbers work with the specific garage door opener part, remote, keypad, gear, or other component.
  7. Still stumped on which part pairs with your garage door opener? No worries! Hit us up using the "Submit a Ticket" button above, and be sure to include your opener's manufacturer and model number in your query.